Step 3
Do you have a question? Please read below as these are the most common ones I've been asked. If you do not see what you are looking for on this page, please continue the steps as it might be on another page. If you do not see what you are looking for after reading through the steps, send me a message.
Where are you located?
- Noblesville, Indiana
What kind of cats do you breed?
- I specialize in Euroline Maine Coons only. Most of our breeders were imported by Russia, some are born here, or I work closely with breeders who also import their Maine Coons.
Do you breed other types of cats?
- We do not breed any other type of cats.
Do you sell breeding rights?
- No I do not sell breeding rights.
Do you stud out your males?
- This could potently bring in viruses to my cattery and harm our cats. I will not stud out any of my males ever.
Are your cats health DNA tested?
- We test our cats through Optimal Selection. Optimal Selection tests for 40+ health genetics which our cats are all negative for. Our cats are also tested through our vet for Feline Leukemia (FeLV)/ Feline AIDS (FIV) and negative.
- All Maine Coons in a breeding program should be DNA tested for Congenital HCM, PKD, and SMA. Congenital HCM is a congenital heart defect found in 3 out of every 10 untested Maine Coons. Do not let any breeder talk you into thinking that their adult cats do not need this DNA test. This is regardless of whether they had the ECHO. The ECHO only lets you know if there is a current heart issue, an ECHO will not reveal if they carry the gene for it and if they will develop it later or pass it down to kittens. Congenital HCM will show up between 1 and 4 years old (on average) and it is not curable. Both parents need to be tested to ensure that the kitten does not have the Congenital HCM gene. Have the breeder provide proof of DNA testing if needed.
Do you ship your cats?
- We do not offer cargo shipping due to USDA regulations. It's illegal to ship cargo if you have more than 4 breeding females. It's also very stressful on them and there is no one watch them. They are under the plane with luggage.
- We do not personally deliver our cats to your home. You will need to make arrangements to get your kitten.
- I do offer nanny services.
Who is your Veterinarian?
- I use more than one vet depending on our cats needs.
Visitor and Pick-up Policy?
- We are a closed cattery for the health of our cats. This is also our home as well. We have plenty of pictures and videos of the parents and kittens, cattery, and past families who have received kittens from us on this website. Our home is also our "cattery." Therefore, we do not conduct cattery tours, allowing the public onto our property and into our home "just to check out how large our baby kittens are" or "to see European Maine Coons for the first time". This would put our kittens at risk for outside diseases as they are not yet fully immunized. Although visiting kittens is fun, there is no health benefit or bonding that occurs from the visit. Your kitten will quickly bond to you and your family once you have them home. This also can bring on stress to our mothers when bringing strangers to see their kittens or almost due. My first priority is making sure my cats are in a stress free atmosphere. All of our cats/ kittens are well socialized with adults, children, cats, and dogs.
- The only time I allow visitors is when they are picking up their kitten. Families will have the opportunity to see the cattery/catio.
How big does your cats get?
- European Maine Coons usually stop growing around age 4 to 5 years old. It's based on their genetics how much they will weigh by then. Females can be around 15 lbs and males around 25 lbs. Past families have told us their female was already 20 lbs or their male was close to 30 lbs. It's really their length than weight that makes them large. Our breeders are not fixed so their weights are going to be different than a pets. We do have a few fixed cats here and their fur is much fuller and weigh more. Once our breeders are spayed/neutered it takes about 6 months for their fluff to come in.
Do you declaw your cats?
- None of our cats we have are declawed. It's inhumane and can cause a lot of issues for the cat. I have suggestions of cat scratching posts, toys, etc under "Favorite Products." The contract that comes with your kitten will state it will not be declawed. If they are the contract is void.
Will the kittens eyes stay blue?
- All kittens are born with blue eyes but none of ours will keep that color. It can take up to a year before your kitten's eye color to stop changing. Their eye color will be a gold or green. We do not have any breeders with the gene for the blue eye color.
Can I purchase a kitten as a gift?
- If the kitten is living in your home and it's a gift to the family yes they can be sold as a gift. If you plan to give away the kitten then no. The person who signs the kitten contract is the one who is responsible for the kitten. Kitten Health Contract is not transferable. This is a huge commitment for 12-15 years or longer.
- If you need to sign for a parent, contact me further.
Can my Maine Coon go outside?
- Maine Coons have been bred for years to be an indoor animal. They can only go outside if you have them in a harness with a leash or a catio to stay safe. They cannot roam outside. If you plan to get one of my kittens to put outdoors you will need to look elsewhere. Reputable breeders will not let you have a kitten knowing you will let it roam outdoors. Here is a link about why it's harmful to cats and how to safely have them go outside with you.
How do I introduce my cat/dog to the new kitten?
- When you get home it's best to have a room ready for your kitten to themselves. Have their food, water, litter, toys, bed, etc. in there with them. Everything is new and scary so expect the first few days to not be quite themselves. They can check each other out between the doors and then slowly introduce them to each other. Usually it's a quick transition for your kitten. It's much easier for them than an older cat to adjust.
- Always quarantine a new pet away from other animals for a minimum of 10 days.
Photo Gallery
You will see lots of testimonies on social media, but I also have some on my blog. You can check them out by clicking the black box below.
What are your favorite products?
- Purina Pro Plan
- I send home their food to help with any tummy issues. If you want to change to a completely different brand, slowly mix the kitten foods together for two weeks to help any tummy issues or diarrhea. I also feed other Purina wet food for variety.
- Maine Coon kittens need kitten food till about 18 months old. They are a slow growing breed and need the calories. It's best to free feed to make sure they are getting enough calories. They grow a ton and then slow down between 12 to 18 months old but continue to grow till about 4 to 5 years old. I also give our cats wet food daily. You do not have to feed them wet daily. That's up to you. When I'm introducing new kittens food, I start out with wet food.
- Arm and Hammer is our go to for litter.
Litter boxes:
- Stainless Steel litter boxes.
- Click the picture and it will take you to the websites where to order.
- For more recommendations for your cat, click the picture above or click the black box below and it will take you to Amazon with our favorite products.